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Prenuptial Agreement

Cincinnati Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer

No one enters his or her marriage believing it will end in divorce. Unfortunately, with the number of divorces on the rise, many marriages will not last a lifetime. At the law office of Eric L. Anderson, LLC, we help clients throughout the Cincinnati, Ohio, area protect their financial and property interests in the event of a future divorce.

Marital Agreement Attorney Working In Fairfield And The Surrounding Communities

At the law office of Eric L. Anderson, LLC, we help clients draft ironclad prenuptial agreements that protect their property and financial interests in the event of a future divorce. Our attorneys also review prenuptial agreements and advise clients on their rights and responsibilities under proposed prenups.

Prenuptial agreements are effective ways to manage risk and protect the property and financial assets of individuals entering marriage. Common reasons to create a prenuptial agreement include:

  • Protect the wealthier individual's assets
  • Ensure family businesses stay intact in the event of a future divorce
  • Preserve the inheritance rights of children born outside of the marriage
  • Avoid costly courtroom battles
  • Protect one spouse from the other's debts
  • Establish spousal support

Protecting The Rights And Interests Of Both Spouses During The Prenup Process

While prenuptial agreements may be beneficial to one party, the other soon-to-be spouse may be left with very little financial support if the marriage ends.

At the law office of Eric L. Anderson, LLC, lawyer Eric Anderson represents less economically successful spouses during prenuptial negotiations to ensure their financial interests are protected.

Contact The Law Office Of Eric L. Anderson, LLC

If you are contemplating marriage, and you have substantial assets, it is important to protect yourself in the event of a future divorce. Contact Cincinnati prenuptial agreement attorney Eric Anderson at (513) 360-4935. Our firm also reviews proposed prenups to ensure our clients are not being taken advantage of during prenuptial negotiations.